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- Didactic guidelines -

General guidelines for teachers

This project is part of a set of projects entitled 'Digital World' which is based on the curriculum for the 2nd year of compulsory secondary education.

The following objectives have been considered in the design of this project:

  • to learn while working on a project.
  • to encourage collaborative work, since most assignments require information sharing and interaction with other students.
  • to foster students' self-learning process by using IT resources.
  • to reinforce students' communicative skills through activities of listening and reading comprehension, but above all, through tasks in which they must produce their own oral and written messages.

The project includes several stages that students will need to go through to eventually do the final challenge based on the production of a tutorial about their favourite online applications and games. Within this learning resource, relevant language contents can be practised and a wide range of tasks is presented so that students are encouraged to practise and improve the linguistic skills required for their final output.

Canvas del proyecto

This unit starts with the About you section in which students are required to answer some questions based on a video related to the use of smartphones. This section aims at fostering students' reflection on their lives as netizens. Here, students will create a written paragraph giving their personal opinion about the topic.

Sharing online. In this section, students will focus their attention on the channels that they will use to publish and share all their work as we think that they will be happy to showcase their familiy and classmates the poster, slideshow, writing composition, radio programme, graph, etc. that they will have done throughout the project. From the wide range of websites and social networks available, we suggest that students have their own site at, just like a portfolio, where they can post all their work and complete a Learning diary that will help them reflect on their own learning process.

Encourage students to design their site following a clear structure. Their site must contain at least these pages:

  • Homepage, the first and main page which must include a title, index, images and a description of the project.
  • 'My writing guide' . This page will include all the student's writing tasks and tips for good writing.
  • 'Smartphone vocabulary'. Students will include here links to the wordmaps that they create using key vocabulary.
  • 'My digital resources'. On this page, students will publish the links to the tasks that they will have created with digital tools, like their digital poster, slideshow, radio programme and video.

On the other hand, students can use Pinterest to share their outcome with the people they like. Google drive apps will be also used for writing texts and preparing presentations collaboratively. Besides, students can collect and add notes about vocabulary and grammar using online tools such as cacoo and padlet.

At the Play Store presents mainly the vocabulary and grammar necessary so that, at the end of the section, students manage to explain about the use of their favourite apps and games. They will design a digital poster where they can include relevant contents.

Download completed provides students with the possibility to practise instructions using computer-related vocabulary. By the end of this section, students will have created a slide presentation with the necessary steps to download and install apps and games into e-devices.

The Playing safely section presents modal verbs of prohibition, obligation and advice which students can practise through a role play based on a call-in radio programme. Besides, students can learn about tips to get online with their smartphones in a safe way.

At the Statistics: showing the results section, students will find out about teenagers' habits regarding smartphone use by preparing and asking a questionnaire so that they can get relevant information from their classmates. The results of this questionnaire will be reflected on a graph that each group.

Finally, the You are the expert section challenges students to show how much they have learnt about online apps and games. They will have to create a video tutorial on their favourite apps and games, using the language contents they have focused on.



As a teacher, you can use the rubrics referred to each mission and challenge to evaluate your students. This will be 40% of the final mark.

    Students will also play an important and active role in the evaluation process.

    what and how to assess

    Alexander Henning DrachQuestion Mark in Esbjerg (CC BY-SA)

    • peer evaluation: students will assess other partners by creating their own assessment sheet with the items that they consider as appropriate or by using the assessment rubrics listed above. This will be 20% of the final mark.
    • teacher's observation in class based on students' degree of participation in the project and how well they perform all the missions will be 20%.

    Remember that the 'Rubric for assessing the project' is an important document where relevant criteria are gathered up to evaluate your students' main missions and challenge.


    This project has been designed to be worked on along approximately fifteen 50-minute sessions. However, feel free to adjust the time sequence according to your students' learning pace and needs.


    Sese IngolstadtBahnsteiguhr.jpg (CC BY-SA)

    For carrying out this project, remember that you can follow the flipped classroom-based pedagogical model with which the majority of assignments such as watching videos, reading texts, doing collaborative work online or writing down doubts about contents can be done at students' home. Later on, in the classroom, you can revisit the concepts students do not understand and offer them support in the realization of their missions and final challenge.


    Language Resources

    In this project, students are presented several language contents that they can practise by clicking on the links below:

    Online Apps

    Throughout this project, we suggest a wide range of open source apps and tools with which students will carry out their missions and final challenge. However, feel free to replace them or recommend your students others which you think are more suitable according to their profiles and needs.

    How to

    Some links to tutorials are provided throughout the project to help your students  learn about how several online tools work so that they can perform their work more easily.

    Remember that you can find more tutorials about other online apps and tools on YouTube.

    Project Mindmap


    Contents (LOMCE Curriculum)

    At the end of the project, students will have been able to work on the following contents:

    • listening and reading activities: students understand general information and identify specific information in oral and written messages.
    • writing  a basic and logical paragraph on  teenagers' routines regarding smartphone use.
    • use of the Present Simple tense to refer to daily actions.
    • use of linking words to express several semantic relationships.
    • expressions to make suggestions: students' interaction.
    • giving orders using the imperative mode.
    • expression of capacity, prohibition, obligation and advice with modal verbs.
    • students' interaction: phone-in radio programme.
    • use of open and closed questions to find out relevant information in a questionnaire.
    • pronunciation practice: intonation in open and closed questions.
    • use of technology-related vocabulary.

    Notice that all the contents are related to the four blocks stated in the new curriculum for the first foreign language area in the first cycle of compulsory secondary education. These four blocks are comprehension of oral messages, production of oral messages: expression and interaction, comprehension of written texts and production of written texts: expression and interaction.

    Learning Standards (LOMCE)

    At the end of the project, students will have been able to practise and acquire the following learning standards stated in the BOE (3rd January 2015) regarding the curriculum for the first cycle of CSE.


    Bloque 1. Comprensión de textos orales

    1. Capta los puntos principales y detalles relevantes de indicaciones, anuncios, mensajes y comunicados breves y articulados de manera lenta y clara (p. e. cambio de puerta de embarque en un aeropuerto, información sobre actividades en un campamento de verano, o en el contestador automático de un cine), siempre que las condiciones acústicas sean buenas y el sonido no esté distorsionado.

    2. Identifica el sentido general y los puntos principales de una conversación formal o informal entre dos o más interlocutores que tiene lugar en su presencia, cuando el tema le resulta conocido y el discurso está articulado con claridad, a velocidad media y en una variedad estándar de la lengua.

    3. Comprende, en una conversación informal en la que participa, descripciones, narraciones, puntos de vista y opiniones sobre asuntos prácticos de la vida diaria y sobre temas de su interés, cuando se le habla con claridad, despacio y directamente y si el interlocutor está dispuesto a repetir o reformular lo dicho.

    4. Comprende, en una conversación formal, o entrevista (p. e. en centros de estudios o de trabajo) en la que participa lo que se le pregunta sobre asuntos personales, educativos, ocupacionales o de su interés, así como comentarios sencillos y predecibles relacionados con los mismos, siempre que pueda pedir que se le repita, aclare o elabore algo de lo que se le ha dicho.

    5. Distingue, con el apoyo de la imagen, las ideas principales e información relevante en presentaciones sobre temas educativos, ocupacionales o de su interés (p. e., sobre un tema curricular, o una charla para organizar el trabajo en equipo).


    Bloque 2. Producción de textos orales: expresión e interacción

    1. Hace presentaciones breves y ensayadas, bien estructuradas y con apoyo visual (p. e. transparencias o PowerPoint), sobre aspectos concretos de temas de su interés o relacionados con sus estudios u ocupación, y responde a preguntas breves y sencillas de los oyentes sobre el contenido de las mismas.

    2. Participa en conversaciones informales cara a cara o por teléfono u otros medios técnicos, en las que establece contacto social,
    intercambia información y expresa opiniones y puntos de vista, hace invitaciones y ofrecimientos, pide y ofrece cosas, pide y da indicaciones o instrucciones, o discute los pasos que hay que seguir para realizar una actividad conjunta.

    3. Toma parte en una conversación formal, reunión o entrevista de carácter académico u ocupacional (p. e. para realizar un curso de verano, o integrarse en un grupo de voluntariado), intercambiando información suficiente, expresando sus ideas sobre temas habituales, dando su opinión sobre problemas prácticos cuando se le pregunta directamente, y reaccionando de forma sencilla ante comentarios, siempre que pueda pedir que se le repitan los puntos clave si lo necesita.


    Bloque 3: Comprensión de textos escritos

    1. Identifica, con ayuda de la imagen, instrucciones de funcionamiento y manejo de aparatos electrónicos o de máquinas, así como instrucciones para la realización de actividades y normas de seguridad (p. e., en un centro escolar, un lugar público o una zona de ocio).

    2. Entiende los puntos principales de anuncios y material publicitario de revistas o Internet formulados de manera simple y clara, y relacionados con asuntos de su interés, en los ámbitos personal, académico y ocupacional.

    3. Capta las ideas principales de textos periodísticos breves en cualquier soporte si los números, los nombres, las ilustraciones y los
    títulos vehiculan gran parte del mensaje.

    4. Entiende información específica esencial en páginas Web y otros materiales de referencia o consulta claramente estructurados sobre temas relativos a materias académicas, asuntos ocupacionales, o de su interés (p. e. sobre un tema curricular, un programa informático, una ciudad, un deporte o el medio ambiente), siempre que pueda releer lassecciones difíciles.


    Bloque 4. Producción de textos escritos: expresión e interacción

    1. Completa un cuestionario sencillo con información personal y relativa a su formación, ocupación, intereses o aficiones (p. e. para suscribirse a una publicación digital, matricularse en un taller, o asociarse a un club deportivo).

    2. Escribe notas y mensajes (SMS, WhatsApp, chats), en los que se hacen breves comentarios o se dan instrucciones e indicaciones relacionadas con actividades y situaciones de la vida cotidiana y de su interés.

    3. Escribe notas, anuncios y mensajes breves (p. e. en Twitter o Facebook) relacionados con actividades y situaciones de la vida cotidiana, de su interés personal o sobre temas de actualidad, respetando las convenciones y normas de cortesía y de la netiqueta.

    4. Escribe informes muy breves en formato convencional con información sencilla y relevante sobre hechos habituales y los motivos de ciertas acciones, en los ámbitos académico y ocupacional, describiendo de manera sencilla situaciones, personas, objetos y lugares y señalando los principales acontecimientos de forma esquemática.

    Key competences

    By working on this project, students will be able to develop and acquire the following key competences published in the organic law on the improvement of the quality of education (LOMCE).

    • Linguistic competence: students are able to use and interact with othe people using the English language, both in oral and written registers.
    • Digital competence: students are able to use IT resources to obtain, analize, produce and share information.
    • Learning to learn: students are able to manage their tasks and time throughout their learning process and can work in an individual and collaborative way to achieve an objective.
    • Social and civic competences: students are able to ineract with other students and participate actively in different missions following codes of good behaviour.
    • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship: students show themselves as creative and are able to take risks, plan and manage their projects.